From Concept to Delivery: Streamline your business with Microsoft Dynamics

How do I delete or change Roles or Permissions in NAV 2013 and NAV 2009?

Posted by on July 8, 2014

The first step in deleting or changing roes or permissions in NAV 2013 and NAV 2009 is to be sure you are working at the User level (Windows Logins) and not at the Main list of NAV Roles. If you delete a role from the wrong spot you could delete it from NAV completely. So make sure you are inside a specific user’s list of roles before you delete or modify a role – unless you want it to be a universal change.

Highlight the user you want to make changes to

Find the user and select their name.

I’ve included a picture of what the User Roles look like so you’ll know it when you see it!

Step 1 – Go to the Departments or Classic Client.

Step 2 – Select Tools, Security, Windows Logins

Step 3 – Find the User you want to make changes for and select their name. (Their name will be highlighted.)

Step 4 – Click on the Roles button. This will bring up a list of the Roles assigned to the User you have selected.

Individual User Roles

A list of all the Roles assigned to this specific User.






Step 5 – Select the Role you want to delete. And click the Delete button. In this example I want to delete the INVT-BOM JNL, POST role.

User Roles Updated

An updated list of active roles for this User.

You can see the INVT-BOM JNL, POST role has been removed for this User.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you  drill in on the roles in NAV (see picture below) — and if you are a Super User — if you delete a Role it will be removed from the entire system. If that happens none of the Users assigned that role won’t be able to access the system.

NAV Roles

NOTE: Don’t delete NAV Roles from this list. They will be removed from the entire system.

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